Monday, May 09, 2005

Oy Vey

Well, never thought I would get to this point. I was simply trying to send my friend a congrats on his new blog - - and this site made me create one myself. So I guess I'm now hooked up to the information superhighway of crackpots and hell on earth. Oh, well, I'll probably get used to it and start liking it since I'm probably a borderline narcissist/exhibitionist myself.

Just got whooped in tennis this afternoon by my friend Philip in 3 straight sets 0-6, 0-6, 0-6. So that takes my ego down a notch today. But he is on a much different playing level than me. I told him to start thinking about playing in the Gay Games in Chicago next year. I think he might be good enough. I would really love to play in them, but I'm gonna have to start practicing a lot more. I mean a lot more. So, if anyone is around a 2.0-2.5 level and lives in NYC and is looking for tennis partners, give me a holler.

In the meantime, I gotta start looking for a job. It's just shy of a year since I've had a full time job. So, I'm feeling this may be the time to get out of my depression/rut and start pursuing something that would not have me sleep until 11:00 am each day....Ah, how I'll miss that. Does anyone know how I post my pic on this blog?

Ciao fer now.


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